Greater Nepal

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 Greater Nepal 

पुरानो नेपाल मध्ययुगीन नेपालको मापदण्डमा धेरै ठूलो थियो किनभने विभिन्न कारणहरूको यो विभाजित भएको छ। सन् 1 9 44 मा पुनर्स्थापना युद्ध सुरु भयो र 1774 मा प्रभु पृथ्वी नारायण शाहको शासनमार्फत क्रुड पूर्व पूर्व दार्जिलिंग जस्तै थियो। साँच्चै, दसौं जनवरी 1775 मा पृथ्वी नारायण शाहको मृत्यु पछि, पुनरुत्थानको क्रूसमा चल्यो। पूर्व तिर फर्केर हिँड्दा नेपालका बहिष्कार सिक्किमलाई 17 9 7 सम्म माथि बढायो। पश्चिमी प्रहारमा सुरुवातले थप विस्तार बढ्यो। 17 9 0 मा, क्रूसले महाकाली नदी पार गर्यो र 1804 मा गडवाल हासिल गर्यो र 1805 सम्म नेपाली सेनाले कुनङ्गडालाई सुटल नदीमा पार गर्यो। नेपाली सेनाले सफल भए तापनि क्यानडाडा फोर्टलाई यसको प्रभावमा लिने प्रयासमा तीन वर्ष प्रयास गरिसकेका थिए। 180 9 मा कङ्गडाको लागि अन्तिम युद्धमा नेपाली सेना कुचल भए र त्यस पछि सल्लेज तिर फर्केर फर्किने बाध्यता थियो। 180 9 सम्म, नेपालको फ्रेन्च यस तरिकामा थियो, सिक्किम-जलपाईगुड़ी (पूर्वमा भूटानको माथि र डिनजपुर सम्म पुग्दा अब हिजो बंगाल दक्षिण) र पश्चिममा सल्लेज। बिन्दुमा नेपालको पुनरुत्थानको युद्ध चल्दै गर्दा बेलायती ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कम्पनी एकै समयमा पश्चिम, पश्चिम र पूर्वी बंगाल, बिहार र अवध बृहस्पतिलाई दक्षिण अफ नेपालको तिर फर्केर जाँदै थिए। यो प्रक्रियाले एकसाथ भेट्न नेपाल र ईस्ट इन्डियन कम्पनीको ओभरस्लार्ट ल्यायो। फ्रिङ्गेसको conjoining संग, नेपाल र ईस्ट इंडिया कम्पनीबीच प्रश्न थप रूपमा सुरु भयो। बेलायती ब्रिटिश (ईस्ट इंडिया कम्पनी) विशेष गरी तिब्बत संग नेपाललाई आवश्यक आदान प्रदान गर्दछ तर नेपाल, जुन सिक्किमबाट सिम्ला सम्म फैलिएको थियो, त्यस बेला ब्रिटिशले यो कार्यालयलाई सक्षम पारेनन्। नेपालका 1801 व्यापारी र ईस्ट इंडिया कम्पनीको व्यवस्थालाई बेवास्ता गर्दै, यदि दोहोरो सभाको बीच बहिष्कार प्रश्न हुन्छ भने 1 9 18 9 1 मा नेपालका विरुद्ध ब्रिटिश अचानक स्पष्ट युद्धले नेपाललाई नेपाल र ब्रिटिश 1 नोभेम्बर 1814 सम्म 28 सेप्टेम्बर 1815 सम्मसम्म पुग्यो। प्राथमिक पाँच फन्टहरूमा लडाइँको युद्धमा, नेपालले मध्य र मध्यमा तीन स्थानमा ब्रिटिशलाई पराजित गर्यो र पश्चिममा ब्रिटिशलाई दुईवटा पक्षमा हरायो। यस युद्धको पछि लाग्दा डेविड ओक्टोलालोनीले ब्रिटिश र अमर सिंह थापाको पक्षबाट नेपाली पक्षको बीचमा एक क्रूसमा ल्याए र पन्ध्रवर्षको नोभेम्बर 1 9 15 15 मा सम्झौता गरे। आचार्य अनुसार, नेपाललाई आत्मसमर्पण गर्न आवश्यक थियो। पश्चिमी फ्रंट मा ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कम्पनी मा महाकाली र सुटलज नदियों को बीच। कुनै पनि अवस्थामा, दोस्रो डिसेम्बर 1815 मा निम्न छः आधा महिनामा ब्रिटिश पक्षले अझै अर्को ड्राफ्ट कन्फिगरेसनको तयारी गरेको छ, जसले नेपाललाई माचि नदीबाट सिक्किम र दीनजपुर सम्म सहरलाई परास्त पार्दछ। ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कम्पनीमा। नेपालले आवेगमा मार्च 1816 मा यस सम्झौतालाई चिन्ह लगाउनुभयो। यस व्यवस्था पछि नेपालले तराईलाई हरायो, तथापि यस सम्झौताको बारेमा निरन्तर निराशा देखाइएको थियो र आशा छ कि नेपालसँग अर्को युद्ध परिणाम हुन सक्छ, कोशी र रप्पी नदीको बीचमा मार्छ। आठौं डिसेम्बर 1816 मा नेपालमा। 1857 मा लामो समयपछि ब्रिटिश भारतमा “लखनऊ मूर्ति” लाई ब्रिटिश सेनाको सहायतामा नेपाली सेनाले सारिएको थियो, ब्रिटिश सरकारले सहयोगको स्वीकृतिमा ल्याएको भूमि राप्ती र 1860 मा नेपालका महाकाली नदीहरू, जो सुगाली (1816) को सम्झौताद्वारा संकेत गरिएको ईस्ट इन्डस्ट्री कम्पनी तिर फर्केका थिए। लखनऊ विद्रोहीको कारण, ईस्ट इंडिया कम्पनीलाई बिच्छेद गरियो र भारत ब्रिटिश क्राउनको छिटो भाग भित्र गए। राप्ती र महाकाली बीचको भूमिमा 1860 निधन, नेपाल र युनाइटेड किंगडमको बीचमा पुगेको थियो। नेपाललाई यसको क्षेत्रहरूलाई दुई भागमा दिइयो, तर हाल यो क्षेत्रको यसको मुख्य मुख्य भाग फिर्ता लिन लाग्न सक्दैन। ग्रेटर नेपाल आंदोलनहरू “अझै फर्काउन” डोमेनहरू बुझ्न धक्का छ। 14h र पन्द्रहवें 1 9 47 मा ब्रिटिस साम्राज्यबाट भारत र भारतको अवसरको साथ, सुगौली संधि अन्तर्गत नेपालका आत्मसमर्पण गरिएका डोमेनहरू पनि मुक्त भए र यो मुक्ति गरिएको इलाकाहरू अब नेपालमा समन्वयित हुने कुरा हो ” नेपाल “हो। जबकि ब्रिटिश औलोकरणको विरुद्धमा भारत र पाकिस्तानले लडाइँ गर्यो, त्यहाँ धेरै नेपालीले पनि विकासमा भाग लिइन्। यो जस्तो हुन सक्छ जस्तै, पाकिस्तान र भारत स्वतन्त्र हुन सकियो, नेपाली क्षेत्रहरू भारत र पूर्वी पाकिस्तानमा संलग्न थिए। यो एक भयानक पर्ची अप थियो र नेपालको लागि अन्याय थियो। यो ब्रिटिश सरकारको सम्बन्धमा वास्तविक निरीक्षण हो, अर्को देशमा नेपाली क्षेत्रहरू पुनर्स्थापित गर्न नसक्ने, भारत, जो उपनिवेशको विरुद्ध 90 वर्ष भन्दा बढी युद्ध भएको, नेपाली क्षेत्रहरू थप भएन भनेर बुझ्न सकिएन।


The Greater Nepal Video Part 01

Old Nepal The medieval Nepal was very huge in measure yet because of
different reasons it continued being divided. The reintegration battle began
amid 1744 and under the authority of lord Prithvi Narayan Shah in 1774, the
crusade had come to similar to Darjeeling in the East. Indeed, even after the
demise of Prithvi Narayan Shah on tenth January 1775, the reintegration crusade
proceeded. While swearing off ahead towards east, the outskirt of Nepal was
stretched out up to Sikkim by 1779. The outskirt in the western front
additionally continued expanding. In 1790, the crusade crossed the Mahakali
River and achieved Gadwal in 1804 and by 1805, the Nepali Army achieved Kangada
over the Sutlej River. The Nepali Army succeeded, regardless of whether it
needed to try three years of proceeded with endeavors, in taking the Kangada
Fort under its influence. In the last fight for Kangada in 1809, the Nepali
Army was crushed and compelled to return crosswise over back to Sutlej. By
1809, the fringe of Nepal was in this manner settled, Sikkim-Jalpaiguri (up to
the outskirt of Bhutan in the east and up to Dinajpur, now Bengal in the South)
in the east and Sutlej in the west. At the point when the reintegration battle
of Nepal was going on, the British East India Company was likewise at the same
time moving towards north, west and east colonizing Bengal, Bihar and Awadh
toward the South of Nepal. This procedure brought the outskirt of Nepal and
East Indian Company to get together. With the conjoining of fringes, question
amongst Nepal and the East India Company additionally began. The British (East
India Company) specifically, needed exchange with Tibet through Nepal, yet
Nepal, which was stretched out from Sikkim up to Simla, did not enable the
British to have this office. Disregarding the arrangements of the 1801 bargain
amongst Nepal and the East India Company, that if outskirt question happens
between the two gatherings, should be settled through quiet discoursed, the
British abruptly pronounced war against Nepal on 1 November 1814. The war
amongst Nepal and the British proceeded from 1 November 1814 till 28 April
1815. In the war battled at the primary five fronts, Nepal crushed the British
at three places in the center and east and lost at two fronts to the British in
the West. Following this war, David Ochtorlony from the side of the British and
Amar Singh Thapa from the Nepali side came to a truce through exchange between
the two and made a concurrence on fifteenth May 1815. As per the assention,
Nepal needed to surrender the land lying between the Mahakali and Sutlej Rivers
in the Western front to the British East India Company. In any case, following
six and half months on second December 1815, the British side set forward yet
another draft settlement, which suggests that Nepal ought to surrender the
territories from the Mechi River up to Sikkim and Dinajpur in the East,
including all Tarai territory to the British East India Company. Nepal, in
impulse marked this Treaty on fourth March 1816. After this arrangement, Nepal
lost Tarai arrive, however demonstrated persistent disappointment about this
Treaty and expecting that another war with Nepal may result, the marsh lying
between the Koshi and Rapti River was come back to Nepal on eighth December
1816. Long after in 1857, the “Lucknow Mutiny” in the British India
was effectively stifled by the Nepali Army in help of the British, the British
government in acknowledgment of the help restored the land lying between the
Rapti and Mahakali Rivers to Nepal in 1860, which was surrendered toward the
East India Company as indicated by the bargain of Sugauli (1816). Because of
the Lucknow Mutiny, the East India Company was broken down and India went under
the immediate run of the British Crown. The 1860 settlement, on the arrival of
land between the Rapti and Mahakali, was gone into amongst Nepal and the
Government of United Kingdom. Nepal was given its regions in two portions, yet
it presently can’t seem to get back its huge main part of regions. The Greater
Nepal Movement is a push to understand the “yet to be returned” domains.
With the opportunity of Pakistan and India on 14h and fifteenth August 1947
from the British Empire, the surrendered domains of Nepal under the Sugauli
Treaty were additionally liberated and this liberated regions should now be
coordinated into Nepal, is the idea of what the “More prominent
Nepal” is. While India and Pakistan battled against the British
Colonization, numerous Nepalese additionally participated in the development.
Be that as it may, as Pakistan and India turned out to be free, Nepali regions
were attached in India and East Pakistan. It was an awesome slip-up and an
unfairness to Nepal. It is a genuine oversight with respect to the British
Government not to have restored the Nepali regions, on the other, India, which
battled over 90 years against the colonization, not to have understood that the
Nepali Territories were additionally liberated together with its flexibility is
exceedingly indecent. Since, the previous 15 years, the Greater Nepal Movement
has been ceaselessly continuing for the flexibility from the unfair
demonstrations. Just before 10 years, Greater Nepal couldn’t be discussed,
however now this has turned into a subject of Nepali nation. The Article 8 of
both the Treaties marked amongst Nepal and India on 31st July 1950, and amongst
Nepal and United Kingdom of Great Britain on 30th October 1950 has pronounced
all arrangements, engagements and assentions made amongst Nepal and the British
Government as invalid and void, and in accordance with the affirmation
proclaimed by the United Nations determination (1514-XV) in December 1960 as to
announcing end of all types of colonization, is a base for the opportunity of
Nepali regions after India was liberated on fifteenth August 1947. What global
law accepts is that a settlement went into between two gatherings will be
crossed out without one of the gatherings, and as indicated by this, the
Sugauli Treaty can’t be in compel after the British Government has left India.
From the global occurrences like Hong Kong and Macau, which are coordinated
into China, East Timor has been liberated from expansionism, has accomplished
the status of a free state; China to constantly assert sway over Taiwan;
extension of Goa in India by military intercession and Japan not to have
surrendered guarantee over the Kuril Islands being caught by the USSR, Nepal’s
case over the regions surrendered under the Sugauli Treaty isn’t other than
what worldwide laws permit specifically the addition of zones like
Darjeeling-Sikkim-Siliguri and Jalpaiguri which are under Indian Governance;
influence the outskirt of Nepal to meet with that of Bangladesh and Bhutan
liberating Nepal for ever from the control of India, which will positively
affect the power condition of the South Asia locale itself. In the event that
common connection between the idea of Greater Nepal and the North-Eastern
States, which are battling for Free State, can be struck, this development can
take genuine shape and in the meantime this will yearn flexibility warriors
including that of Kashmir, debilitating India. A debilitated India will be to
the enthusiasm of the South Asian district, generally the flexibility and
strength of nations in this area will ever stay undermined.

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